One way of obtaining an inviting and also elegant living room is by going with a rustic look. Stone walls are always great and they look really good in the living room. When including stone in your décor you’ll also want to dilute that cold look with something cozy and warm and this includes both texture and color. Also, wood furntirue would also be a great choice.
You can use stone of fake stone for the walls or just for some particular areas like the fireplace for example or the stairway. Fireplaces are one of the most common and most beautiful decorations when it comes to living rooms. They really help create that warm and cozy atmosphere you desired.
If you want to obtain a more dramatic décor for your living room it would be really helpful if you had high ceilings. This way you can add some long curtains to the windows and if you also choose the right pendant or chandelier everything is so much easier. As for the colors, brown is a very common choice and it goes really well with the rustic-vintage look.{pics from site}